Free energy profile#

Free energy profile calculation using umbrella sampling and WHAM

GROMACS tutorial : water ethanol mixture interface vacuum
GROMACS tutorial : water ethanol mixture interface with vacuum

The objective of this tutorial is to use GROMACS to perform a molecular dynamics simulation, and to calculate the free energy of adsorption of ethanol at the water-vapor interface.

If you are completely new to GROMACS, I recommend you to follow this simpler tutorial first : Bulk salt solution.

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Input files#

Create 3 folders named ‘preparation/’, ‘adsorption’, and ‘singleposition’ in the same directory. Go to ‘preparation/’.

Download the configuration files for the ethanol molecule from the atb repository: click here, click on ‘All-Atom PDB (optimised geometry)’ and place the file BIPQ_allatom_optimised_geometry.pdb in the ‘preparation/’ folder.

Create the configuration file#

First, let us convert the pdb file into a gro file consisting of a single ethanol molecule at the center of a small box using trjconv:

gmx trjconv -f BIPQ_allatom_optimised_geometry.pdb -s BIPQ_allatom_optimised_geometry.pdb  -box 0.8 0.8 0.8 -o single_ethanol.gro -center

Select ‘system’ for both centering and output.

Replicate the ethanol molecule#

In order to create a system with several ethanol molecules, let us replicate the single molecule (4x4x4 times) using genconf:

gmx genconf -f single_ethanol.gro -o replicated_ethanol.gro -nbox 4 4 4

If you open the replicated_ethanol.gro file with VMD, you will see:

Gromacs HBC (graphene) molecule after minimisation in water
Gromacs HBC (graphene) molecule after minimisation in water

Replicated ethanol molecules with carbon atoms in gray, oxygen atom in red, and hydrogen atoms in white.#

Create the topology file#

From the same atb page, copy the ‘GROMACS G54A7FF All-Atom (ITP file)’ and place it in a folder named ‘ff/’ and located within the ‘preparation/’ folder. Within ‘ff/’, download as well the GROMACS top file named Gromacs 4.5.x-5.x.x 54a7 containing all the force field parameters. Copy as well the h2o.itp file for the water molecules in the ‘ff/’ folder. Then, let us write the topology file by simply creating a blank file named ‘’ within the ‘preparation/’ folder, and copying in it:

#include "ff/gromos54a7_atb.ff/forcefield.itp"
#include "ff/BIPQ_GROMACS_G54A7FF_allatom.itp"
#include "ff/h2o.itp"

[ system ]
Ethanol molecules

[ molecules ]

Add the water#

Let us add water molecules. First download the tip4p water configuration file here and copy it in the ‘preparation/’ folder. Then, in order to add (tip4p) water molecules to both gro and top files, use the gmx solvate command as follow:

gmx solvate -cs tip4p.gro -cp replicated_ethanol.gro -o solvated.gro -p

In my case, 858 water molecules with residue name ‘SOL’ were added.

There should be a new line ‘SOL 858’ in the topology file ‘’:

[ molecules ]
SOL 858

The created ‘solvated.gro’ file contains the positions of both ethanol and water molecules, it looks like that:

GROMACS tutorial : Ethanol molecules in water with VMD
GROMACS tutorial : Ethanol molecules in water with VMD

Replicated ethanol molecules within water. Water molecules appear in light blue.#

Since we want to simulate a liquid-vapor system, let us increase the box size along the x direction to create a large vacuum area:

gmx trjconv -f solvated.gro -s solvated.gro -box 20.0 3.2 3.2 -o solvated_vacuum.gro -center

Select ‘system’ for both centering and output. If you encountered a problem during file generation, you can also download the solvated_vacuum.gro file I have generated by clicking here.

Energy minimization#

Create a new folder in the preparation/’ folder, call it ‘inputs’, and save the min.mdp and the nvt.mdp files into it.

These 2 files have been seen in the previous tutorials. They contain the GROMACS commands, such as the type of solver to use, the temperature, etc. Apply the minimisation to the solvated box using :

gmx grompp -f inputs/min.mdp -c solvated_vacuum.gro -p -o min -pp min -po min -maxwarn 1
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm min

Here the ‘-maxwarn 1’ allows us to perform the simulation despite GROMACS’ warning about some issue with the force field. Let us visualize the atoms’ trajectories during the minimization step using VMD by typing:

vmd solvated_vacuum.gro min.trr

This is what I see:

GROMACS tutorial : Ethanol molecules during minimisation
GROMACS tutorial : Ethanol molecules during minimisation

Movie showing the motion of the atoms during the energy minimization. The two fluid/vacuum interfaces are on the left and or the right sides, respectively.#

Note for VMD user: You can avoid having molecules ‘cut in half’ by the periodic boundary conditions by rewriting the trajectory using ‘gmx trjconv -f min.trr -s min.tpr -o min_whole.trr -pbc whole’

Observation: During energy minimisation, the molecules move until the forces between the atoms are reasonable.

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Starting from the minimized configuration, let us perform a NVT equilibration for 100 ps in order to let the system reach equilibrium:

gmx grompp -f inputs/nvt.mdp -c min.gro -p -o nvt -pp nvt -po nvt -maxwarn 1
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm nvt

When its done, extract the ethanol density profile along x using the following command:

gmx density -f nvt.xtc -s nvt.tpr -b 50 -d X -sl 100 -o density_end_ethanol.xvg

and choose ‘non_water’ for the ethanol. The ‘-b 50’ keyword is used to disregard the 50 first picoseconds of the simulation, the ‘-d X’ keyword to generate a profile along x, and the ‘-sl 100’ keyword to divide the box into 100 frames. Repeat the procedure to extract the water profile as well.

Warning: The current equilibration time for the NVT run (100 ps) is too small. It has been chosen to make the tutorial easier to follow for people with a bad laptop (myself included). Increase the duration to 1 nanosecond for a better equilibrated system. Alternatively, download the final configuration I have generated after a 1 ns run by clicking here.

The density profile I get for both water and ethanol during the last 500 ps of the 1 ns run is :

GROMACS tutorial : Density profile water and ethanol
GROMACS tutorial : Density profile water and ethanol

Water (blue) and ethanol (gray) density profile along the x direction.#

The density profiles show an excess of ethanol at the 2 interfaces, which is expected as ethanol is known to be amphiphilic. There is also a local maxima in the center of the fluid layer (near x = 3 nm), and two depletion area in between the center of the fluid layer and the two interfaces.

Imposed forcing#

To calculate the free energy profile across the liquid/vapor interface, one needs to impose an additional harmonic potential to one ethanol molecule and force it to explore the box, including the most energeticaly unfavorable part. In order to test our protocole, let us first calculate one single position. More positions will be calculated in the next part of this tutorial. Within ‘singleposition/’, create a folder named ‘inputs’, and copy min.mdp, nvt.mdp and pro.mdp in it.

In all 3 mdp files, there are the following lines:

pull = yes
pull-nstxout = 1
pull-ncoords = 1
pull-ngroups = 2
pull-group1-name = ethanol_pull
pull-group2-name = water
pull-coord1-type = umbrella
pull-coord1-geometry = distance
pull-coord1-dim = Y N N
pull-coord1-groups = 1 2
pull-coord1-start = no
pull-coord1-init = 2
pull-coord1-rate = 0.0
pull-coord1-k = 1000

These lines specify the additional harmonic potential to be applied between a group name ‘ethanol_pull’ (still to be defined) and ‘water’. The spring constant of the harmonic potential is 1000 kJ/mol/nm2, and the requested distance between the center-of-mass of the two groups is 2 nm along the x dimension.

Copy as well the previously created file. Modify the first lines to adapt the path to the force field folder:

#include "../preparation/ff/gromos54a7_atb.ff/forcefield.itp"
#include "../preparation/ff/BIPQ_GROMACS_G54A7FF_allatom.itp"
#include "../preparation/ff/h2o.itp"

Let us create an index file :

gmx make_ndx -f ../preparation/nvt.gro -o index.ndx

or (if you choose to used this file)

gmx make_ndx -f ../preparation/nvt.gro -o index.ndx

and type:

a 2
name 6 ethanol_pull

Press ‘q’ to save and exit. These commands create an index file containing a new group named ‘ethanol_pull’ made of only 1 atom: the atom with index 2. This atom is the oxygen atom of the first ethanol molecule in the list. We don’t care here where this molecule is located in the box. You can ensure that the atom of index 2 is indeed an oxygen of an ethanol molecule by looking at the top of the nvt.gro (or nvt_1ns.gro) file:

Ethanol molecules in water
    1BIPQ    H6    1   1.679   0.322   1.427 -1.2291 -2.8028 -0.6705
    1BIPQ    O1    2   1.617   0.317   1.501 -0.1421 -0.1303  0.4816
    1BIPQ    C2    3   1.549   0.441   1.496 -0.4726 -0.1734  0.4272
    1BIPQ    H4    4   1.453   0.450   1.548 -0.2059 -0.1001  0.9069
    1BIPQ    H5    5   1.529   0.454   1.390 -0.7133  0.0381  0.4988
    1BIPQ    C1    6   1.641   0.548   1.542  0.1500 -0.4454 -0.2006
    1BIPQ    H1    7   1.600   0.646   1.516  0.5688 -0.5292 -1.1624
    1BIPQ    H2    8   1.734   0.549   1.486 -1.4595  1.2268 -2.9589
    1BIPQ    H3    9   1.652   0.548   1.651 -2.4175  0.8229  0.1142

Other atoms of the molecule could have been chosen, or even the full ethanol molecule.

Run all 3 inputs successively:

gmx grompp -f inputs/min.mdp -c ../preparation/nvt_1ns.gro -p -o min -pp min -po min -maxwarn 1 -n index.ndx
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm min
gmx grompp -f inputs/nvt.mdp -c min.gro -p -o nvt -pp nvt -po nvt -maxwarn 1 -n index.ndx
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm nvt
gmx grompp -f inputs/pro.mdp -c nvt.gro -p -o pro -pp pro -po pro -maxwarn 1 -n index.ndx
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm pro

During minisation, the ethanol molecule is separated from the rest of the fluid until the distance between the center-of-mass of the 2 groups is 2 nm:

GROMACS tutorial : ethanol molecule being pulled
GROMACS tutorial : ethanol molecule being pulled

Ethanol molecule being pulled from the rest of the fluid during minimisation and nvt equilibration.#

Then, during the production run, the average distance between the 2 groups is measured over time. Let us plot the histogram of this distance:

GROMACS tutorial : Probability distribution of the distance
GROMACS tutorial : Probability distribution of the distance

Probability distribution of the distance between the two center-of-mass. Short (50 ps) and long (1.5 ns) runs are compared.#

A longer run has been added for comparison. If you have a good computer, feel free to run longer production run than 50 ps.

Note that the distribution is not centered around x = 2 nm. This is due to the interaction between the pulled ethanol molecule and the rest of the fluid, that are shifting away the average position of the ethanol molecule from the center of harmonic potential.

Free energy profile calculation#

Let us replicate the previous calculation for 30 differents distances, from x = 0 (the ethanol molecule is forced to remain at the center of the liquid) to x = 4 (the ethanol molecule is far within the vacuum phase). Create a new folder, call it ‘adsorption/’, and copy min.mdp, nvt.mdp, and pro.mdp, in it. The only difference with the previous input scripts is the command:

pull-coord1-init = to_be_replaced

where the keyword ‘to_be_replaced’ is to be systematically replaced using a bash script. Create a bash script, call it ‘’, and copy the following lines in it:


set -e

for ((i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++)); do
        x=$(echo "0.13*$(($i+1))" | bc);
        sed 's/to_be_replaced/'$x'/g' inputs/min.mdp > min.mdp
        gmx grompp -f min.mdp -c ../preparation/nvt_1ns.gro -p -o min.$i -pp min.$i -po min.$i -maxwarn 1 -n index.ndx
        gmx mdrun -v -deffnm min.$i

        sed 's/to_be_replaced/'$x'/g' inputs/nvt.mdp > nvt.mdp
        gmx grompp -f nvt.mdp -c min.$i.gro -p -o nvt.$i -pp nvt.$i -po nvt.$i -maxwarn 1 -n index.ndx
        gmx mdrun -v -deffnm nvt.$i

        sed 's/to_be_replaced/'$x'/g' inputs/pull.mdp > pull.mdp
        gmx grompp -f pull.mdp -c nvt.$i.gro -p -o pull.$i -pp pull.$i -po pull.$i -maxwarn 1 -n index.ndx
        gmx mdrun -v -deffnm pull.$i

Copy the previously created index file and topology file within the ‘adsorption/’ folder, and execute the bash script.

When the simulation is done, create 2 files (credit to the excellent gaseri site)

ls prd.*.tpr > tpr.dat


ls pullf-prd.*.xvg > pullf.dat

Finally, perform the analysis using the WHAM command of GROMACS:

gmx wham -it tpr.dat -if pullf.dat

A file named “profile.xvg” must have been created, and it should contain a PMF profile resembling the red curve below:

GROMACS tutorial : PMF for the ethanol molecule
GROMACS tutorial : PMF for the ethanol molecule

PMF for the ethanol molecule across the interface between a water/ethanol mixture and vapor.#

Runs of 100 ps as done in this tutorial are too short to obtain a proper result. Increase the duration of the production runs to a few nanoseconds to obtain a proper PMF (like the blue curve in the figure above).

The PMF shows a plateau inside the bulk liquid (x<1 nm), a minimum at the interface (x=1.5 nm), and increase in the vapor phase (x>1.5 nm). The minimum at the interface indicate that ethanol favorably adsorb at the liquid/vapor interface, which is consistent with the density profile. The PMF also indicates that, once adsorbed, the ethanol molecule requires an energy of about 5 kJ/mol to re-enter the liquid phase (looking at the blue curve), which is about 2.2 kBT. Finally the PMF shows that it is energetically costly for the ethanol molecule to fully desorb and go into the vacuum phase as the energy barrer to overcome is at least 25 kJ/mol. Consistently, when performing MD simulation, it is rare to observe an ethanol molecule exploring the vapor phase.

Contact me

Contact me if you have any question or suggestion about these tutorials.