.. _contact-before-you-start-label: Before you start **************** .. container:: justify *GROMACS tutorials* is made of several tutorials that are ordered by increasing difficulty. Required software ================= .. container:: justify The 2024.2 version of GROMACS is required to follow the tutorials. GROMACS (2024.2) ---------------- .. container:: justify Download and install the 2024.2 version of GROMACS by following the instructions of the |gromacs-manual|. Depending on your operative system (i.e. Linux, macOS, or Windows), the procedure may differ. .. |gromacs-manual| raw:: html GROMACS manual VMD (optional) -------------- .. container:: justify In order to visualize the simulation, the version 1.9.3 of |VMD| will be used :cite:`humphrey1996vmd`. Some basic instructions for VMD are given on *lammpstutorials*, see |VMD-lammps-tutorials|. If you prefer, feel free to use an alternative visualization software like |Ovito|. .. |VMD-lammps-tutorials| raw:: html this link .. |VMD| raw:: html VMD .. |Ovito| raw:: html Ovito Python (optional) ----------------- .. container:: justify The version 2.6.1 of MDAnalysis is used together with the version 3.11.4 of Python :cite:`van1995python, michaud2011mdanalysis, gowers2016mdanalysis`. .. container:: justify To plot the results from the simulations, the version 3.5.2 of |Matplotlib Pyplot| is used. .. |Matplotlib Pyplot| raw:: html Matplotlib Pyplot Text editing software --------------------- .. container:: justify To write and edit GROMACS input files, a text editor is required. Any text editor will do, such as |gedit|, |vim|, or |vscode|. .. |gedit| raw:: html gedit .. |vim| raw:: html vim .. |vscode| raw:: html vscode Find the input scripts ====================== .. include:: ../non-tutorials/accessfile.rst Recommended reading =================== .. container:: justify To better understand molecular dynamics simulations, I recommend the reading of *Understanding molecular simulation* by Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit :cite:`frenkel2023understanding`, as well as *Computer simulation of liquids* by Michael Allen and Dominic Tildesley :cite:`allen2017computer`. To understand the basic concepts of fluid and Soft Matter systems, I recommend reading *Basic concepts for simple and complex liquids* by Jean-Louis Barrat and Jean-Pierre Hansen :cite:`barrat2003basic`, as well as *Theory of simple liquids: with applications to soft matter* by Jean-Pierre Hansen and Ian Ranald McDonald :cite:`hansen2013theory`.